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by Sherry Swiney
March 10, 2024

Below is a speech I just heard by RFK.  My comments about it are below, if interested.  Please watch the video before reading my comments so they will make more sense.  Thanks for that.

RFK Jr.: How I See The State Of Our Union (9:01)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

March 7, 2024


This is the perfect speech, especially following Biden’s State of the Union speech this week.  This RFK speech reminds me of Obama’s speech: “A change you can believe in”.  I’m not saying RFK is not sincere, as I don’t know the whole story (no one does).  The only one who knows RFKs whole story would be RFK himself – except, even he does not know the WHOLE story.

All I am saying is listen to the words people say and watch their actions that follow.  At least we know where we stand under the Biden regime because they no longer feel the need to hide their corruption.  Maybe they are confident they will win.  Maybe they want us to get outraged and go to war among ourselves.  Who knows that side of it? 

But with the candidates, Trump and RFK (plus all the others running that we never hear about), they each speak words that are just what we want to hear.  So no one will know what the next president will do until after we see their actions compared to the campaign words. 

So if you’re going to vote, stay mindful and research while you make your decision.

Remember the last time you took someone’s word for it.  How did that work out for you?  

I may not view the world the same as everyone else.  Can’t say I ever have.  If you are new to this blog and want to know more about how I got to this place of seeing the world the way I do, there’s lots to find here by browsing through what I’ve written since the beginning, starting with “That’s A Lie” Program.  Feel free to use the search bar at the top right of the blog page.


What RFK says and shows in this speech is mostly true.  It hits our heartstrings deeply because humans, in their natural state, hate to see others suffer.  We are endowed with empathy

For some that empathy is worn on their sleeve and for others it is worn deep inside.  Nonetheless, it is felt by every natural human.  We know something isn’t right.  Something is OFF.  It’s a sense of knowing that we see and cannot describe as one thing because it’s everything, meaning everything in the news.  I watch the news to get a feel for where people are coming from and I wonder: “Can we change this?” 

One of the scriptures not included in the biblical text asks if we will.  This makes me realize we have choice.  The prophecies are not written stone, unless we do nothing to change it.

According to Gregg Braden’s research, (off hand, I don’t recall the name of the excluded scripture), the question to future humans, after describing the final Armageddon war, is “Will you change this?”  When I first heard this, I flashed back to a memory of when I read the scriptures page-by-page (from an engineering point of view versus a religious one).  That was when I realized this book was a warning that if things go the way they are going, this Armageddon thing will happen as written.  BUT if we change the course, it will not happen as written.

By the way, the controllers know this all too well.  They like to use this against us every chance they get.

Remember, I grew up in the era when we ducked and covered under our school desk believing this would save us. Harry S. Truman was president.  This was when they played the news on the movie screen in the theater before the movie started.  I was so disinterested in politics that it was all boring stuff to me.  I paid no attention as so many kids my age did.  Yet, I was being manipulated by adults around me who did pay attention and believed every word of the news.  So, I believed every word too – the same as I did when I was in the orphanage (another life chapter), until I learned the nuns lied to me big-time.

Americans have wanted change since I can remember.  President Kennedy was elected when I was a teen.  As mentioned, I never cared for politics.  I wondered why so many people got so riled up over them.  In those days, people argued over who they were going to vote for and friends and families remained intact.  There was playful teasing back and forth, but no separations like we see today.

Back then, I compared the whole voting thing to a major football game where people got riled over their team.  I understood that mindset for a team playing sports but not for candidates running for the most important office in the country.  Thus, I never paid attention to politics, didn’t understand it, and never voted.

When I got out of school, I began encountering information about how advertising manipulates how we think, where that came from, and how it worked so perfectly on everyone.  I also encountered information about the CIA, Kennedy assassination, the mob, and other stuff which is not detailed in this blog.

It was much later that I learned that I too was being manipulated by advertisements – mostly fashion – that were basically designed by none other than a guy named Edward Bernays, American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda.

In Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidential campaign we saw a very clever advertisement here.  It probably got him selected. 

Back in those days using propaganda on the American public was outlawed.  They just did it covertly and none of us noticed.  Today it’s on the books as okay to do without consequences.

Every candidate promises things we want to hear and the one that convinces the biggest number of people gets the prize of being President of the United States. 

These campaigns gave us information we never had, gave us ideas we never had, and gave us hope we dreamed about.  After the selection, things eventually went back to normal – as they were before with taxes, prices, interest and the country’s debt – oh, and wars here and there.  But enough people were fairly prosperous (middle class) that the poorest people were ignored.  Oh, they were often fed and sometimes housed, but who actually talked with them and heard their troubles with the intent of helping them pick up their life, eliminate the traumas within, and be free of all these woes?  Not many. 

The rest of us were too busy working and keeping food on our tables, to care about others who might be having a harder time than we were.

The best of us know within ourselves we would reach out to everyone but whose got the wherewithal to do that?  Being in that position is not an accident.  We got to that position by being manipulated into it.  So did the poor people.  It’s all been manipulation.

Once you know that, then you can change it.  Not a quick-fix but you can change it by changing the way you think.  Instead of seeing the victim side of this coin, why not see a triumphant side?  The more you stay on the victim side, the worse you will feel and be.  But the dark side will love you for it, sucking away all that tasty negative energy you are producing.

I don’t care who you vote for, or if you vote.  If you don’t take responsibility for your own life, feelings, and intuition, then it doesn’t matter who is in office.  Life will remain the same for you. If you do take responsibility for your life, here’s what will happen: Presidents won’t be necessary for long, politics, greed, corruption will have no place in your life. In other words, freedom.

Nonetheless, RFK’s video is inspiring.  It provides a triumphant vision which we all want.  None of this will happen by one person who gets into office.  None of it.  No one can sit by and expect others do it for them.  That’s not only a cop-out; it doesn’t work.

The bottom line is:  It’s up to us – you the reader and me to educate ourselves and go forward with what we learn to help others get out of the manipulation effect. Never figure you have all the answers because none of us does. Be okay with different opinions, ponder them and decide for yourself – not from what you heard in the news – if you agree or not.


Please visit my website: https://www.keyholejourney.com

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in English, German, French, and Spanish.